Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Simple survey about bulimia

what is bulimia ?
why do people become bulimia?
what the causes bulimia and aneroxia ?
Why bulimia mainly women?
what can do to help them?

With this questions we us do simple survey to know about bulimia.. For the first question about the meaning bulimia. I do some research about meaning bulimia and I get the meaning on internet.

Second question, there is no easy answer to this question. Just as the life of every individual is unique, so are the reasons why they become bulimic and the paths they must take to overcome it.

There is currently no definite known cause of bulimia. Researchers believe it begins with dissatisfaction of the person’s body and extreme concern with body size and shape. Usually individuals suffering from bulimia have low self-esteem, feelings of helplessness and a fear of becoming fat

Next question Women’s sexuality is exploited, their intelligence questioned, their roles limited and often confusing. They are bombarded with promises of a “better self” through the dieting, fashion, cosmetics and anti-aging industries. Most women feel unsupported by a culture with such shallow values! They want and deserve something more something that gives their lives meaning in a deeper way. It is this role within this society which is at different times limiting, confusing, frightening, and unfulfilling, that propels enormous numbers of women into the safety and numbness of food problems.

For the last question, I get in internet. There are many tips and many good treatments for bulimia. It’s can help you feel better and eat normally again, even if you are had bulimia for long time. There are two treatments for bulimia. It is psychotherapy and medication. Then cognitive behavioral therapyis one the best psychotherapy treatments stop bingeing. Antidepressants can help treat bulimia but they can have side effect. Aside that a drug called topiramate also seems to help people with bulimia.

Em.. now , when do this research, I can know about bulimia. So bulimia is a dangerous of extreame diet.
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